Monday 11 July 2016

7 big reasons why toddlers are like angry little people

Toddlers get a bad rap, their lives are tumultuous and filled with people who just don't understand that they need their sandwiches cut perfectly, that don't touch each other, and their juice should be in the blue cup.. i mean the pink cup.. no its actually the blue is hard for these little dictators because sometimes they need to feel the satisfying crunch of a thousand cheerios under their feet and most people are trying to take this away from them, of course, feel angry, who wouldn't ?

1] They fall a lot :-  Have you ever seen how often those little shorties fall ? I don't know any official numbers, but it's often , i would be pissed too i was falling down all day long .

2] moms don't get shit right :-  It's not hard really , mom's should be able to figure out that clothes are painful to toddlers extremities, and that if toddlers want to do things by them selves , climbing stairs , getting in the car by themselves, eating and all other things by themselves, well then , the world will just need to wait .

3] There are so many things they want to do by them selves , but people are always stopping them from doing so :- jacking shit up, or stop it , don't do this --- every toddlers mom should swear a t-shirt saying this.

4] Its always hold my hand, don't eat plastic or dirty utensils, don't lick the floor , don't go in the bathroom , don't lick the dog :-  These thing give them joy , you don't know that toddler,s life you lady.

5] Nobody understands what they are trying to say :- What they are trying to say nobody understands , what they want , what they want to do, every one is clueless about it and just trying to guess, that frustrates them and why wouldn't it. it would frustrate me . and so they end up screaming yelling as words are hard and screaming just feels right.

6] every one is trying to change them :- If they have swore to cry madly each time they don't get to throw things from the balcony, and throw all your things from your drawer , who are you to try and take this from them.

7] Nobody takes their issues seriously :- if they don't want your help in doing their stuff, walking by them selves , eating them selves and feeding their clothes and their side area, wearing their shoes themselves, they just want one hundred of years to get it right. Chill out.

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